A journal site is asking me for a password. Do the MU Libraries have a password?
Instead of connecting directly to the journal site, you need to determine if the MU Libraries subscribe to the journal.
The best way to do this is to go to the MU Libraries home page (http://library.missouri.edu ). On the right side of the page is a section labeled "Quick Links". Select the "Find a Specific Journal" link and enter the name of the journal you are looking for in search box on the next page, If the Libraries subscribe to the journal, select the link that has the dates you need. If you are off campus, you will be prompted for your Pawprint (your email login and password).
Here is the url for the page with the journal search box.
Some journals and databases allow users to create their own logins for added features such as saving a list of articles. EBSCOhost and several others may show a sign in button after accessing through the library website, and you may login with a self-created sign in if you so choose, but it is not a requirement.