Answered By: Health Sciences Reference Account
Last Updated: Apr 20, 2022     Views: 824

There are multiple ways into PowerChart depending on how/where you are trying to get in. If you are on the hospital network you can use iPortal or go through the Citrix Receiver itself, Citrix Receiver has to be installed on the PC. If you are outside the hospital network you have to access it via UMHCRemote, you also still have to have Citrix installed on the PC. With the new system there is no longer icons on the desktop, you either access it via iPortal through a browser or through the Citrix Receiver client itself, unless you are off campus, then you have to go through UMHCRemote. None of the computers on the first floor of the health sciences library have Citrix Receiver installed. We are not supporting access to PowerChart in a public location/labs because of HIPAA concerns. If they need to access it we recommend students either go to a clinical location, PBL lab, student lounge or access it from their laptop.