Answered By: Access Services Account
Last Updated: Oct 03, 2022     Views: 232

There are several different ways you can try to get a book that is not available at MU Libraries:

1) You can search Discover@MU for books located on other University of Missouri campuses.  If one of those libraries has the book you need, simply select the "Place Request" button and use your pawprint and password to have the book sent to MU. Keep in mind that the book may take 3-4 days to get here.

2) If the book is not available from another University of Missouri Library, you can search MOBIUS which is a catalog that includes many different academic and some public libraries throughout Missouri. If you are able to find your book there, select the "Request" button in the middle of the page to have it sent to MU. It may take 4-5 days for the book to be delivered to this campus.

3) If the book is not available in any MOBIUS library, then you can search Prospector which is a unified catalog of academic, public and special libraries in Colorado and Wyoming. If you are able to find your book there, select the "Request" button in the middle of the page to have it sent to MU. It may take 10-14 days for the book to be delivered to this campus. If you cannot find a book through Discover@MU, MOBIUS, or Prospector, then you can do an Interlibrary Loan (ILL@MU) request. You will need to fill out the ILL form with the book information. Once requested, the book may take some time to get to MU as it may be coming from a different state.